5 Things You Should Know About Folding Bikes

Let's just jump right into it, shall we?

1. The only things you have to make sure that your folding bike will remain alright are basically that the tyres are always full of air and that the chain is well-oiled. You're not leaving your bike outside exposed to the elements because, well, they're foldable. Thus, you ensure their longevity.

2. Believe it or not, those who still prefer to drive to and from work, as well as their passengers, are exposed to more pollution than cyclists and walkers. When you cycle to the train station, and board the train after folding your bike, you breathe in less toxic emissions than if you were in a car. There are studies that prove this, but then we'll have to search for such studies. Okay, okay, if you need proof, there's a 2001 study published in the journal The Science of the Total Environment conducted by Jette Rank, Jens Folke & Per Homann Jespersen. If all else fails, use this "studies that show exposure to emissions is higher for car drivers" in your Google search and you're most likely will find the aforementioned study.

3. You get fit simply because you have no choice. WHAT? Okay, we'll rephrase that. If you choose to commute to and from work on your folding bike, not all the way though since you can just cycle to the nearest train station and simply take the train, chances are you'll find yourself getting fitter. Simply put, cycling to and from work is an automatic benefit that requires no thinking on your part. Due to the fact that you need to commute to work on a daily basis, at most five days a week, your cycling becomes a utilitarian routine, and not an effort to just simply lose some weight. 

4. Of course, those with racing or mountain bikes will surely outpace you when it comes to cycling over a distance. But we're talking about using a folding bike for the sake of practicality. We're not going to use it to climb hills or run over rugged terrain. We're using it to commute to and from work. And you'll find that the small wheels of the folding bike actually get you faster to your destination than if you were to walk. Like, DUH! Which one would you prefer? Walking to the train station? Or riding a bike that sprints faster than those racing and mountain bikes that cuts down your time to the station by more than half?

5. Folding bikes, by its very own nature, is a machine that sparks curiosity. You'll find that people would come up to you as you fold or unfold your bike and ask you about it. You might even end up making friends. Now, what other benefit can top that?

Source: icebike.org
YTX Schwin 2006 Holiday 20" folding bike (Black Orange)

YTX Bicycle Blog

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